2018 Special Issue: Georgia-Kazakhstan

2018 Special Issue: Georgia-Kazakhstan

Download Georgia-Kazakhstan Special Issue #1 – PDF.

We’re happy to introduce first ever joint Kazakh-Georgian edition of the Forbes.

Cover Story: Tourism Momentum: Interview with the Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Mr. Zurab Pololikashvili by Elene Kvanchilashvili.

Read also:

The Right Bet to Take by Giorgi Isakadze, Editor-In-Chief.

Record–breaking City by Anton Kalmykov.

Space Starts Here by Almat Temirtassov.

At the Speed of Snow by Margarita Likhanova.

Revolutionary SPOT by Elene Chomakhidze.

Colorful Charyn by Nikolay Bartenev.

Living Wate by Yasmin Karimova.

Close to Nature by Meruert Shakenova.

Kazakhstan’s Big Five Game by Natalia Borovaya, Maxim Levitin.

Doing Tourism Business by Elene Kvanchilashvili.

Georgian Oil by Telara Gelantia.

The Airline You Trust by Elene Chomakhidze.

Receive High Quality Dental Care, Save Money and Discover Georgia! by Salome Chipashvili.

Award Winning Brokerage by Elene Chomakhidze.

Top-rated Hotels in Georgia.

Georgia by Economic Development Rank.

…and many more.