2023: The Right Time to Start Promoting Georgian Culture in Europe

2023: The Right Time to Start Promoting Georgian Culture in Europe

Art, as a creative outlet for some, and a subject of fascination to others, has the overwhelming ability to make us feel, and experience intense sensations.

The most captivating art destinations in Tbilisi, the capital city of Georgia, share a strong eye toward the underground, as well as the mainstream art movements across the country and beyond.

Eristavi Gallery strives to bring this rich selection to the interested parties in the Benelux region. The Antwerp based home gallery offers an exclusive collection of pieces, specially curated from the niche circle of artists that are the pillars of Georgian art society.

Their vision is clear that Georgia has an interesting generation of artists centuries-long ancient culture, thus the country is ready for an exploding art scene. This home gallery, hosted the last six months three exhibitions in Belgium (Antwerp), provides an exclusive collection of fine art. On account of, art lovers and enthusiasts in the Benelux region have infrequent chance to enjoy unshared, which is carefully selected collection by the curators. “Eristavi Gallery” creates opportunity to give you the impression of this rich culture on a personal level and touch, also they have closed events and private viewing evenings with the represented artists.

Art lovers and enthusiasts in the Benelux region have the chance to enjoy an exclusive, hand-picked, carefully selected collection by Georgian art curators. Each country has its absolute artistic must-haves, and Georgia, with its fascinating art scene, is no different.

Additionally, the Eristavi Gallery launched the new experimental concept -The Blind Art, an online gallery space, aiming to share equal opportunity to each Georgian young artist in presenting the artworks for Benelux countries.

Artists’ names should not have its contribution to make you fall in love with artworks.

In the wine business, there is a fine process of blind wine tasting, so that they are assessed more accurately and objectively.

Imagine an art online store where the buyer doesn’t have instant access to the information about the artist.  They are just exploring the space and are closely observing the artworks.  After showing the interest in artwork, they can digitally meet the respective artist, who will exclusively and personally tell the story about the artwork. This is just a beginning…. What if your and the artist’s avatars will meet in a Metaverse gallery….

At The Blind Art, the main idea is to give every artist, despite their brand value, public recognition, or popularity – equal opportunity to be seen, heard, recognized and appreciated.


EUROPALIA is a major international arts festival held in Belgium, the heart of Europe, every two years to celebrate one invited country’s cultural heritage.

It puts the spotlight on the art, culture and heritage of a different host country every two years. The festival stimulates dialogue between cultures and presents exhibitions, concerts, films, lectures and theater and dance performances.

From April 2023 till January 2024 EUROPALIA organizes a festival about and in collaboration with Georgia.

This opportunity is never seen in Georgia’s art history. It will be an amazing beneficial platform and window for Georgian culture to be discovered and admired worldwide.