Exciting Opportunity for Startups at Touch.Point 2024

Exciting Opportunity for Startups at Touch.Point 2024

 Touch.Point Festival Calls for Innovative Startups to Showcase Their Solutions

In a groundbreaking move, Touch.Point, the premier international Martech festival, is opening its doors to innovative startups that offer products or services aimed at solving the professional challenges faced by marketers. This is a golden opportunity for emerging companies to shine on a global stage and connect with industry leaders.

 What Touch.Point Offers to Participating Startups

The festival provides a robust platform for startups to present their innovations and gain significant exposure. Participating startups will enjoy a range of benefits designed to maximize their visibility and impact:

– Branded Exhibition Space: Each startup will be given a branded desk at the festival, offering prime real estate to showcase their solutions to a targeted audience of marketing professionals.

 – Stage Presentation: Startups will have the opportunity to present their product or service on stage, capturing the attention of potential clients, partners, and investors.

 – 4 Full Access Passes for their team: Each participating startup will receive four full passes, granting access to all sessions, workshops, and networking events throughout the festival.

– Client Acquisition Potential: The festival is attended by top-tier marketing professionals and decision-makers, providing a fertile ground for startups to acquire new clients and business opportunities.

How to Apply

Startups interested in this unique opportunity must submit their application via the provided form [here](https://bit.ly/pointstartup). The submission deadline is June 7, so interested parties are encouraged to act swiftly.

Why Participate?

Touch.Point is not just another tech event; it is a convergence of the brightest minds in marketing and technology. By participating, startups will:

– Gain unparalleled exposure to a global audience.

– Network with industry leaders and potential investors.

– Showcase their solutions in a dynamic and interactive environment.

– Enhance their brand recognition and credibility in the market.

Stay tuned for further announcements and join us at Touch.Point to witness the cutting edge of Martech innovation.