Fishing for Change: How One Company's £116,000 Charity Haul is Making Waves

Fishing for Change: How One Company's £116,000 Charity Haul is Making Waves

In the UK’s competitive fishing industry, a company named  Carp Gear Giveaways is making an outstanding impact through its business model and charitable contributions. Founded by Matthew Mountain, the company has gained attention for its strategy of combining profit-making with charitable giving. With an impressive annual revenue of multi-millions a year, Carp Gear Giveaways demonstrates that a company can be both profitable and philanthropic.

The Ripple Effect of Giving

Carp Gear Giveaways was founded with the intention of creating a community-oriented business that could make a positive difference. In the four years since its inception, the company has become a significant player in the UK’s competitive fishing industry and has donated £116,000 to various charities. During this time, they have also attracted 54,000 customers and achieved a revenue growth rate of over 25 percent, showcasing their rapid expansion and customer appeal.

“We wanted to create a community where people could come together, enjoy themselves, and contribute to good causes,” Mountain explains. This vision has led the company to support a wide range of initiatives, from mental health programs to contributions to the National Health Service. Notably, they have funded local community projects aimed at improving public spaces and providing resources for underprivileged youth. Carp Gear Giveaways has awarded over £10,000,000 in prizes, ranging from vans and fishing gear to fishing holidays, making these exciting opportunities accessible to many through affordable tickets.

Fishing for the Future

Carp Gear Giveaways has cultivated a substantial online presence, with over 300,000 followers on social media. This has helped foster a sense of community among fishing enthusiasts, transforming the sport into a shared experience rather than a solitary pursuit.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the company utilised Facebook Live to host events that provided entertainment and connection for its audience. “It was a challenging period for everyone,” Mountain recalls. “But being able to engage with our community, even virtually, was gratifying.” These live events included virtual fishing competitions, charity auctions, and interactive Q&A sessions, keeping the community spirit alive during tough times.

The Numbers Tell the Story

The UK fishing equipment market was valued at approximately £119.70 million in 2024, with a projected annual growth rate of about 3.6 percent from 2024 to 2028​​. Carp Gear Giveaways, with its unique strategy and focus on charitable giving, is well-positioned to capitalise on this growth.

Changing the Sport of Fishing

Carp Gear Giveaways is making an impact on the sport of fishing itself. “Fishing has traditionally been about the enjoyment of the catch,” Mountain says. “But we’ve demonstrated that it can also be about community, giving back, and making a positive impact.” Through strategic marketing and community engagement, they have shifted the narrative around fishing, showing that it can be a powerful vehicle for social good.

The company’s success may be attributed to its ability to create a space where people can connect, participate in a shared interest, and contribute to worthy causes. Their approach has also inspired other businesses in the industry to adopt similar models of giving and community involvement.

As Mountain reflects on the future, he remains optimistic. “We’re not just focused on the present,” he says. “We’re looking ahead to how we can continue to make a difference.”