From Family Business to Industry Leader: How Marjori Pretti Redefines Medical Aesthetics

From Family Business to Industry Leader: How Marjori Pretti Redefines Medical Aesthetics

There is a union of art and science whenever Marjori Pretti delicately injects a patient with dermal filler in the dimly lit room of her clinic. Treatments are carried out with a calm hand that belies her years of experience and profound knowledge of facial anatomy. Her dependable expertise is the culmination of a journey that can be traced back to the unlikeliest place: her family’s humble beauty shop in a small American town. 

The shop, once a humble establishment offering essential beauty services, was where Marjori first developed her keen eye for aesthetics and a profound empathy for clients seeking more than just a quick fix. But as the beauty industry evolved, so did Marjori Pretti’s ambitions.

The decision to pivot from a family-run business to a leader in the highly competitive field of medical aesthetics was not easy, but it was necessary. “I knew that to make a difference truly, I needed to go beyond the traditional beauty services and embrace new technologies that were beginning to transform the industry,” Marjori Pretti says. 

Facing the New Aesthetic Environment

Research indicates that technological advancements and a growing awareness of the importance of anti-aging measures will elevate the medical aesthetics industry, with sales anticipated to exceed $20 billion by 2025. Due to this trend’s impact on the industry, expertise, safety, and subtlety have become trademarks of Marjori Pretti’s profession.

“The beauty of what we do now is that it’s not about drastic changes,” she explains. “It’s about enhancing what’s already there, helping people feel confident in their skin.” This is evident in her approach to injectables, one of the most sought-after services at Pretti Aesthetics. Marjori has mastered the art of achieving natural-looking results, with busy professionals and social media influencers becoming her loyal clientele.

Her success, however, is more than just due to technical proficiency. Marjori Pretti’s ability to connect with her clients and understand their insecurities and desires makes her work more personal.

“I like to enhance one’s natural beauty instead of delivering unrealistic results,” she says.

As a vocal advocate for ethical practices in the industry, she has taken a strong stance against the proliferation of unregulated providers and substandard procedures. Her efforts have raised awareness about the importance of seeking qualified professionals, a cause she believes is crucial as the industry grows.

A Rejuvenator’s Edge

When Marjori Pretti introduced Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) treatments to her clinic, they were a relatively new concept in the industry. Now, they are one of her most popular services. PRP treatments are known for their regenerative properties, which appeal to clients looking for natural rejuvenation methods. 

Marjori Pretti pioneered the “Brazilian Lips” technique, a lip filler method that creates fuller but natural-looking lips. “I’m always looking for the next thing that will benefit my clients,” she says. “But it has to be grounded in science and deliver real results.”

This approach has led her to explore emerging trends in medical aesthetics, such as personalized skincare regimens based on genetic testing and advanced laser technologies. She is particularly excited about the potential of AI-driven diagnostics, which she believes could revolutionize how treatments are tailored to individual clients. “The future of this industry is personalization on a level we’ve never seen before,” she notes. “We’re just beginning to go beyond the surface.”

Marjori Pretti’s willingness to embrace change while maintaining a solid ethical foundation has paid off. She has been invited to speak at industry conferences, sharing her insights on the changing environment of medical aesthetics and the importance of maintaining high standards in an increasingly competitive market.

A Vision for the Future

As Pretti Aesthetics continues to grow, Marjori Pretti remains focused on the most critical aspect of her work: the people. “At the end of the day, it’s about helping someone feel better about themselves,” she says. This client-centered approach is the driving force behind her plans for the future, which include expanding her clinic’s services to address a broader range of aesthetic concerns while maintaining the personalized care that her clients have come to expect.

She wants to integrate wellness services into her practice, offering a holistic approach that addresses beauty’s physical and emotional aspects. “Beauty is more than skin deep,” she says. “It’s about how you feel inside and out, and that’s something we’re committed to nurturing.”

In addition to expanding her service offerings, Marjori Pretti plans to scale her business through franchising to new markets across the country. “We’re excited to grow, but it’s important that we do it in a way that stays true to our values,” she explains.

Marjori Pretti’s transition from a family-run beauty business to an industry leader reflects the influence of vision, industry advancements, and human connection—qualities that will undoubtedly continue to drive her success in the years to come. S