ILYAS Founder and CEO AMMAR BIN RASHEED: The Quest For Embracing The Future Of Mobility

ILYAS Founder and CEO AMMAR BIN RASHEED: The Quest For Embracing The Future Of Mobility

In parallel with the expansion of the IOT, economic and demographic demands are driving changes in the way human’ being live and work. More than 55% of the world’s population now live-in cities and that is expected to grow to 70% by 2050, according to the UN. Governments need to address issues of failing inner-city infrastructure and traffic congestion problems. In addition, an aging transportation system seems unable to connect with effective emerging technologies. If governments do not take effective steps to meet the challenges created by mass urbanization and industrialization, this can only create massive inequalities in both economic and, of equal importance, social advancement. Ammar Bin Rasheed, founder of ILYAS Technologies Inc. says: “Smart city technologies could create a cost saving to to enterprises, Governments and citizens valued at US$5 trillion annually by 2022. A new white paper by ABI Research analyzed the scope for cost savings and efficiency as a key incentive for smart city development, smart technologies, and the IoT. However, if governments, enterprises and citizens don’t work together in harmony, the true potential of smart cities will never be witnessed. It is imperative we promote the emergence of vital smart city marketplaces and open platforms.

The Future of the Transport and IoT Relationship

Traffic congestion costs countries, worldwide, billions of dollars annually in lost revenue through wasted time and fuel. The health of employees is being challenged from the dual threat of increased stress experienced in congestion and poos air quality in heavily congested traffic. The standard of life in cities is deteriorating owing to ever-increasing pollution from vehicles too – a problem which is not currently being resolved through the painstakingly slow switch from hydrocarbon-powered vehicles to electric-powered ones. While the switch to renewable energy may help reduce pollution, it cannot solve the problem of traffic congestion.

Technologically advanced traffic management solutions which maximize the very best of AI’s potential are currently being developed by ILYAS and will help to combat the triple problem of wasted time, increased stress levels, and increased air pollution, providing a win-win solution for companies, employees, and inner-city residents alike.

Commercial and industrial sectors do not yet fully understand the impact and potential uses of IoT technologies on supply chain and manufacturing capabilities, where companies in the transport and logistics sectors are currently forerunners. By their operational nature, transport and logistics enterprises rely on huge quantities of information that is constantly and microscopically calibrated in real time across widely distributed networks. The benefits provided by sensors and connected technologies are clear to see when it comes to managing data flows and required adjustments when it comes to the transportation of goods by land, sea, air and railway networks. Efficiency, speed, and cost reductions that transport- and logistics- centric companies can instigate throughout the full length of their supply chains is the principal driver for creating value.

The IoT Platform

The challenges that we will experience with constantly changing demographics and the effects of mass urbanization will increase in intensity over the coming years.  As businesses and industries tentatively explore the potential options that IoT brings in relation to increased revenue and growth, governments now have to turn to technology and innovation to provide effective and easily implemented solutions to the world’s changing social challenges.  What IoT offers, beyond technological and commercial value, is an accessible worldwide platform for collaboration across all borders and d.  Using IoT-enabled technologies, small-to-medium-size enterprises now have the potential and ability to contribute as much as larger, more established corporations. The growing interconnectedness of devices and networks are positively affecting economies in ways human history has not previously witnessed.


ILYAS is a private, Emirati transportation, IoT cybersecurity and defense company. It serves two business segments: B2G and B2B.