Innova Georgia Received Support From the EU and EBRD

Innova Georgia Received Support From the EU and EBRD

Innova Georgia, a furniture and equipment manufacturer, has received support from the European Union and the EBRD, including loans and grants.

EU4Business-EBRD Credit Line funding will be used to purchase new, high-quality equipment and machinery.

Innova’s team has 30 years of experience in the field of furniture production, and the company successfully serves hundreds of clients.

According to the General Manager of the company, Beso Chkheidze, in addition to many years of experience, one of the main advantages of Innova is its digital software, which gives designers endless possibilities.

According to Beso Chkheidze, digitalization is the future of furniture production, and Innova’s team also plans to export the above-mentioned software.

In addition to Innova Georgia, 180 companies from the construction, manufacturing and hospitality sectors received support under the EU-EBRD program.