Oneday MBA Review: How Oneday’s MBA Model Builds a Community for Today’s Leading Entrepreneurs

Oneday MBA Review: How Oneday’s MBA Model Builds a Community for Today’s Leading Entrepreneurs

Photo courtesy of Oneday

“Experience is the best teacher” is an adage that perfectly encapsulates the philosophy driving Oneday, a VC-backed EduTech platform. This unique MBA programme for entrepreneurs, by entrepreneurs, shuns traditional academic methods in favour of a practical, hands-on method, preparing individuals for the real-world challenges of entrepreneurship.

Led by its founder and CEO, Ranbir Arora, they inspire and mentor aspiring entrepreneurs, guiding them on their paths to success. Since its inception, Oneday has produced over 2,000 stories of entrepreneurs worldwide who have already launched their businesses and are thriving in the current market.

Learning by Doing: A Hands-On Approach to Entrepreneurial Education

At the heart of Oneday’s model lies an understanding that true entrepreneurial success is forged through experience, trial, and error. Arora believes that pairing each “Founder”—the term used for Oneday’s students—with a successful entrepreneur who serves as their mentor creates a dynamic ecosystem where knowledge is not merely imparted but actively cultivated through real-world application.

According to Arora, Oneday’s success can be attributed to its MBA curriculum, designed to be a living, breathing experience where founders actively build their businesses from the ground up, guided by the proficiency of their mentors. Unlike traditional MBA programmes emphasising theoretical knowledge and case studies, Oneday’s technique is rooted in the principle of “learning by doing,” devoid of exams, essays, or coursework.

“Our mission is to provide what the current education system lacks emphasis on—practical, real-world experience that will teach entrepreneurs the necessary skills to take on the modern business world,” says Arora. “We believe the best way to learn entrepreneurship is by doing it, not just studying it.”

The Power of Mentorship

Oneday boasts an impressive roster of mentors who are accomplished entrepreneurs from diverse industries, including marketing, manufacturing, fintech, food and beverage, and real estate, among others. Arora highlights that these mentors have firsthand experience building their companies from the ground up and maintaining their positions in the competitive market.

From strategically positioning their businesses to securing the right resources, crafting effective marketing strategies, identifying niche markets, and cultivating robust professional networks, these mentors possess a wealth of practical, hands-on knowledge.

“We believe the best way to learn business is to do business,” Arora explains. “Our mentors are entrepreneurs who have walked the path themselves, and they understand the nuances and challenges that come with building a successful business.”

 Arora emphasises the importance of practical experiments, where aspiring business leaders, especially young ones, test their ideas, validate their assumptions, and iterate on their products or services. This process equips them with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate the entrepreneurial landscape and fosters a mindset of resilience, adaptability, and continuous learning.

Building a Community of Changemakers

Beyond the one-on-one mentorship, Oneday recognises the power of community in fostering entrepreneurial success. Founders are part of “Squads,” supportive groups of like-minded individuals who share their journeys, collaborate, and learn from one another’s experiences. This communal attitude creates a sense of belonging and mutual support, essential for budding entrepreneurs facing the uncertainties of startup life.

“Entrepreneurship can be a lonely and challenging path,” says Arora. “Being part of a Squad means you are never alone in your journey. Our founders learn as much from each other as they do from their mentors. This collaborative environment is a cornerstone of our program’s success.”

Oneday’s value for community building is further bolstered by its commitment to diversity and inclusivity. Its statistics show that 51% of founders are female, and 57% are from minority ethnic backgrounds. Thus, the platform paves the way for a more diverse and inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Addressing Concerns

Oneday recognises that questions about the programme’s accreditation and academic rigour are natural, especially in the changing field of entrepreneurial education.

To address these concerns, Arora sees that its MBA programme is fully accredited by the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), the most extensive accreditation system in the world. This accreditation validates the program’s quality and rigour and certifies that Founders receive a Master’s degree recognised by academic institutions and employers globally.

As the business environment becomes increasingly challenging, the rise of Oneday is both timely and valuable. It offers a fresh approach to learning tailored for contemporary entrepreneurs.

The platform’s emphasis on practical, hands-on experience, combined with the assurance of an accredited degree, equips students with the skills and credentials needed to thrive in today’s competitive market.

Oneday’s new model addresses the demands of modern business and redefines what it means to learn and succeed in the entrepreneurial world.

Oneday accepts founders worldwide. To learn more about its admission requirements, please visit its website

About Oneday

Oneday is an UK-based EduTech platform that has redefined entrepreneurial education with its unique, hands-on approach. The platform operates as a university for entrepreneurs, designed and taught by entrepreneurs, emphasising practical learning over traditional academic methods. Oneday’s flagship offering is an 18-month MBA programme that eschews traditional learning coursework in favor of experiential learning. Students, referred to as ‘Founders,’ are paired with successful entrepreneurs as mentors, providing them with real-world experience and guidance in building their businesses from scratch.