Surge Summit: A Strategic Intersection for EECCA Startups and Global Investors

Surge Summit: A Strategic Intersection for EECCA Startups and Global Investors
Spurring Innovation, Cultivating Investment, and Connecting Opportunities in Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia

This year, the vibrant city of Tbilisi, Georgia, is all set to host the Surge Summit from September 5-7. Sponsored by Prague-based investment firm Presto Ventures, this highly anticipated event promises to bring together Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia (EECCA) startups and international investors. This platform is more than just a networking event – it aims to transform the startup ecosystem, powering up opportunities, innovation, and growth.

The Surge Summit stands as a prime stage for startup innovation, offering a nurturing environment where startups can glean invaluable insights from industry experts, flaunt their solutions, and tap into a rich network of international investors. An absolute highlight of the event is the pitch competition, providing startups the opportunity to vie for the attention of global investors and secure both funding and mentorship.

One key speaker not to miss is Robin Butler, Partner & Head of Impact at Sturgeon Capital. A seasoned investor with a portfolio of over 20 startups from the region, Butler’s experience is a treasure chest of insights for startups seeking investment and growth. Through Sturgeon Capital’s latest fund, Sturgeon Emerging Opportunities II, Butler has been actively fostering the regional startup ecosystem with investments ranging from $500k to $1m in the B2B Software, FinTech, and Marketplaces sectors.

Butler describes the region as a “blue ocean” of opportunity, with each market harboring its own set of unique opportunities and challenges. These unique attributes make it difficult for global players to make inroads, providing local startups the chance to emerge as market leaders. From the vast consumer market in Uzbekistan to the vibrant FinTech sector in Georgia, Butler sees immense potential for startups to thrive and expand across the region, ultimately reaching global shores.

Sturgeon Capital, a London-based firm specializing in international private market investments, operates extensively within Central Asia and the Caucasus. The firm manages $300m in assets and asserts its influence through maintaining a full-time presence in key markets of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Sturgeon has positioned itself as the bridge connecting the limited local capital supply to the hesitant international capital, ready to tap into the region’s potential once there are visible signs of growth and development. The firm believes in the digitalisation potential of the region, already witnessing high smartphone and internet penetration rates. Their presence on the ground, deep local networks, and regular travel to the region provide them with an information advantage that translates into identifying exciting opportunities and providing tangible post-investment support.

For Butler, one of the key challenges lies in contextualising the opportunity for international investors and raising awareness about the region’s potential. His advice for startups looking to secure investment and grow their businesses is to do their due diligence on investors, maintain regular updates and, importantly, stay true to their vision. He reminds startups, “It’s your startup, and it’s you who understands the problem better than anyone. Don’t let yourself be led down different paths to satisfy your investors.”

The Surge Summit serves as a launchpad for EECCA startups eager to showcase their prowess and secure vital investment. It’s an opportunity to learn, network, pitch, and get noticed. For investors, it’s a window into the untapped potential of a new frontier of investment opportunities.

Mark your calendars for the Surge Summit, where the startup ecosystem’s potential is set to surge onto the global stage – an event that’s too crucial to miss for startups and investors alike. Get your tickets at