The Evolution of B2B Marketing: Shai Alani on the Rise of Intent Marketing

The Evolution of B2B Marketing: Shai Alani on the Rise of Intent Marketing

Photo courtesy of Aporia

Hyper-targeted strategies prioritizing understanding buyer behavior and intent have replaced the days of one-size-fits-all business-to-business (B2B) marketing. According to Shai Alani, a seasoned marketing consultant, this move toward intent-based marketing represents a monumental event in the industry’s future.

With over 12 years of experience in the industry, Alani has witnessed firsthand the shifts in marketing strategies and technologies. A vice president of marketing at leading artificial intelligence (AI) control platform Aporia, he notes that Account-Based Marketing (ABM) has seen a significant advancement. Still, Alani says the future lies in intent marketing, thanks to the available sophisticated tools and AI technologies.

What Triggered the Shift?

The catalyst for this conversation with Alani has been the advancements in AI and the increased availability of Customer Data Platforms (CDPs), coupled with a growing demand for more personalized and efficient marketing strategies. 

Over the past few years, businesses have seen an explosion of tools capable of analyzing intent signals with unprecedented accuracy. This has created new opportunities for marketers to refine their strategies and achieve better results.

The Transition from Trade Shows to Intent Marketing

“Not too long ago, B2B marketing heavily relied on trade shows,” Alani shares. “These events were pivotal for networking and showcasing products to a broad audience. However, they were inherently inefficient. Marketers aimed their efforts at large groups of companies, hoping to catch the interest of a few key decision-makers.”

Thanks to the advent of ABM and complementary stacks, marketers could narrow their focus to specific companies and tailor their messages to resonate with decision-makers within those organizations. 

“ABM was a game-changer,” Alani noted. “It enabled us to adopt a more strategic and personalized technique, targeting specific accounts most likely to convert. But let me ask you this: would you sell your product to a company that shows intent but is not on your ABM list? I would argue that the answer to this question is yes.”

The Emergence of Intent Marketing

Despite the success of ABM, Alani sees intent marketing as the next evolution in B2B marketing. “Intent marketing takes personalization to the next level. We can now understand individual decision-makers’ specific needs and interests within those targeted companies by using AI, signaling tools, and CDPs,” Alani shares. 

This strategy allows marketers to deliver highly relevant content that aligns with each prospect’s current interests and buying stage. “Intent marketing is about knowing what your target wants and when they want it,” Alani explained. This level of precision enables us to create personalized experiences at scale and focus on the people with the highest intent of buying our product.

Moreover, the rise of tools that capture intent signals, such as website behavior tracking, content engagement analytics, and social media interactions, contributes to a better understanding of potential customers. These tools allow marketers to piece together a bigger picture of a prospect’s intent, improving the accuracy of campaigns.

The Future of B2B Marketing: Going Back to the Basics, Awareness and Intent

Alani also points out a critical misstep in recent marketing trends. “We have become enamored with overly complex marketing funnels and buzzwords, which have hindered marketers from experimenting and kept them in the planning phase.”

“The core pillars of marketing have always been about creating awareness and engaging with people who show intent,” he adds. “The layers we have added in recent years often complicate more than they clarify.”

Combining these two allows businesses to create comprehensive marketing campaigns that guide prospects through the entire buyer’s journey. “It is about measuring the ROI of our marketing efforts as a whole,” Alani said. “Awareness gets us on the radar. However, intent marketing guarantees we deliver the right message at the right time to the right person.”

Indeed, Alani’s insights prove the potential of intent marketing in the B2B sector. As AI and tools like CDPs continue to advance and improve, marketers have unprecedented opportunities to create personalized, efficient, and highly effective campaigns. 

When intent marketing is embraced, businesses can better understand their prospects’ needs and deliver tailored content that drives meaningful engagement and conversions.

For more insights from Shai Alani and other industry leaders, visit Forbes’ marketing section.