Women-Led House of XM Shatters Glass Ceilings and Delivers Iconic Activations

Women-Led House of XM Shatters Glass Ceilings and Delivers Iconic Activations

House of XM’s rebranding, unveiled through a series of immersive activations for major brands, represents a strategic shift in the agency’s approach to experiential marketing. It announced the agency’s bold rebrand and strategic U.S. expansion too. Originally known as Prime, the agency rebranded to House of XM, marking a new era focused on creativity and inclusivity. This women-led experiential marketing agency redefines its role in a traditionally male-dominated industry by offering fresh perspectives and creative solutions.

Adapting to Industry Changes

As experiential marketing evolves, consumers increasingly expect more authentic brand interactions. House of XM refines its strategies to resonate better with audiences. In 2023, the agency achieved a 41% revenue growth and is currently tracking to exceed this growth in 2024, highlighting its ability to deliver strong results for clients.

“We’re all about creating experiences that really connect brands with consumers,” shares Rosalie Laflamme, who leads House of XM with her business partner Samantha Martin. “We don’t just follow trends; we shape them to make sure what we do speaks directly to what people want.”

The rebrand wasn’t just about a new name; it marked a fresh focus. With Martin, co-owner now based in New York City, House of XM expands its presence in key U.S. regions like California, Texas, and Florida. This move aligns with a broader strategy to grow the client base and strengthen its position in the competitive market. By redefining its brand identity, House of XM is ready to meet the growing demand for human connectivity.

“Our expansion isn’t just about growing for growth’s sake; it’s about being where our clients need us the most,” Martin notes. “We want to bring the most value and creativity to every project, no matter where it is.”

Leading in a Changing Industry

Experiential marketing has changed dramatically in recent years. Consumers demand more authentic interactions with brands, and House of XM adapts to meet these expectations. Under the current leadership, the agency continuously updates its strategies to keep its brand activations relevant. Achieving over 40% revenue growth year-over-year, House of XM’s ability to stay ahead of industry trends and deliver results.

“Staying relevant means we’re always evolving,” Laflamme says. “We don’t just react to changes; we try to see what’s coming next and adjust our strategies so our clients are always ahead.”

House of XM brought the “Falling M&Ms” a larger than life OOH installation to life, where an interactive photo opp was integrated within the installation and brand ambassadors distributed thousands of full-size pack’s of candy. The project required meticulous planning to create a memorable experience. The ‘Molson Coors Chill Tour’ featured skills challenges, contests, custom merchandise, and product sampling at several well-known ski resorts, allowing the brand to engage with consumers in a recreational setting.

Additionally, House of XM partnered with McDonald’s during the Calgary Stampede, a World-Class event, setting up a pop-up restaurant with McFlurry sampling, a custom art installation and games. This effort resulted in strong in person & social media engagement, demonstrating the agency’s ability to connect with audiences.

Overcoming Challenges and Focusing on the Future

The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the experiential marketing industry, leading to the cancellation or postponement of nearly all activations in Canada. Current owners benefited from this down time to rethink the agency’s brand, positioning, processes and talent, resulting in shifting from Prime to HXM with a full team of dedicated experts by their side. 

Reflecting on the pandemic, Laflamme notes, “The launch of this new brand, the growth, and 50+ new clients by our side shows the power of resilience, dedication and passion for delivering remarkable work for our clients.”

As it expands its geographic reach, House of XM strengthens its presence in key U.S. regions. This strategy aims to expand the client base and establish a leading role in experiential marketing. Looking ahead, House of XM plans to leverage their start-up culture and deep food & beverage experience to win new business..

Laflamme outlines their focus on what’s ahead. “We’re concentrating on new technologies to make our experiences more engaging. It’s about blending creativity with what’s possible, and we’re ready to lead the way.”

House of XM returned to pre-pandemic revenue levels and achieved 225% growth from 2022 to 2023, underscoring its resilience. The agency also expanded its client portfolio, adding over 50 new clients in the past two years. As House of XM advances, it emphasizes thoughtful growth, refining each campaign to maximize impact and continuing to push boundaries.

Reflecting on the agency’s progress, Laflamme remarks, “We’ve come a long way, but there’s still so much more to do. Our best work is still ahead, and we’re ready to keep pushing the boundaries.” S