Denmark Plans To Build Artificial Island That Will Serve As Energy Hub For Wind PowerTamta Jijavadze4 წელი წინ0
Oil prices rise to highest in a year on U.S. growth optimism, crude supply restraintთამთა ჯიჯავაძე4 წელი წინ0
PayPal profit tops estimates as pandemic drives online spending to record levelsთამთა ჯიჯავაძე4 წელი წინ0
Pfizer targets at least 2 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses this year, sees $15 billion in 2021 from the shotsთამთა ჯიჯავაძე4 წელი წინ0
Here Are The Countries That Are Leading In Vaccinating Their Citizens Against Covid-19თამთა ჯიჯავაძე4 წელი წინ0