New MacBook Pro - The Story of Janet Kerdikoshvili and Giorgi Kublashvili

New MacBook Pro - The Story of Janet Kerdikoshvili and Giorgi Kublashvili

In today’s dynamic world, it is almost impossible to imagine a person without the Internet, laptop, smartphone, and other devices. We see computers everywhere, both at school and university, and in offices, homes, and common workspaces. It is obvious that it was also so before the pandemic, but the global blockage and the acceleration of digital transformation have also contributed to the spread of technology products and services.

The American technology company Apple, which is a leader in many directions, is also one of the innovators in the production of computers.

The most interesting feature of the MacBook is its individuality. MacBook line laptops are completely different from others, and so are their owners, who allow the computer to personalize its endless functionality. Influencer Janet Kerdikoshvili and technology marketer Giorgi Kublashvili will talk about these and other topics, including their activities and various Apple products.

In focus: Janet Kerdikoshvili, 30 years old, from Tbilisi – interested in blogging, fashion and influence

What does it mean to be an influencer?

Influencing requires love and responsibility toward subscribers, and it is also a labour-consuming activity. An influencer is a person who is listened to by other people, whose opinions are shared and whose advice is trusted by them.  The main goal of the influencer should be to maintain this trust.

To be honest, I have never thought of influenza – this profession did not exist before, and in my case, everything happened naturally. It all started in 2012 when I posted the first collage on Instagram, which was followed by positive feedback, and I, too, was encouraged to share my own thoughts and life moments.

I consider myself a lifestyle influencer, because, in addition to my professional activities, I share my personal views with subscribers, share my experience and give advice on this or that issue. I think the more multi-profile content you have, the more interesting product you create for your subscribers.

What is your daily routine and how much do Apple products make your routine easier?

Influencing is a digital profession for which it is especially important to be always online. In this regard, the MacBook Pro is my inseparable friend, allowing me to create content for my subscribers anywhere in the world, quickly and easily. I offer my subscribers a variety of graphic content, including images, short videos, and blogs. The quality of content and the speed with which it is processed are especially important for the influencer, as they often need to provide information for their subscribers as quickly as possible. In this respect, the MacBook Pro is unrivalled.

Well, in addition to simplifying the content creation process, the whole ecosystem of MacBook Pro and Apple products helps me to store and share this content. When I write and edit a blog, or when I write a blog, I store the content in iCloud, allowing me to access it from other Apple devices as well.

Influencing is a dynamic profession that requires a lot of attention – in addition to my own content, I usually collaborate with magazines and TV shows, and go to fashion shows and to various events. As a result of the pandemic, much of this activity has shifted to the digital space, and it is expected that some part of it will remain so. My MacBook Pro helped me adapt to these changes – interviews were recorded by means of the built-in high-resolution camera and clean and powerful microphone, and inclusions were always of high quality.

However, the most important feature distinguishing the MacBook Pro from other laptops is its power and compactness. I must emphasize the lightness and durability of the MacBook Pro, which helps me, especially on frequent trips. In addition, MacBook line laptops are good accessories, as they match any type of clothing.

I first became friends with Apple in 2008 when I bought the iPhone 3G. At the time, this smartphone turned out to be so comfortable that I have not bought a smartphone manufactured by another company since then. Well, with the love of the iPhone, later I bought another Apple product for the university, the MacBook Air. Years later, after graduating from the Milan Institute of Fashion and Design, where I had to work with complex graphics applications, I became a MacBook Pro user.

For me, one of the most important details of Apple products – is their operating system, which allows me to connect different devices to each other without cables, automatically and without any headaches. It is this interconnection that helps different Apple devices perform their function properly.

In focus: Giorgi Kublashvili, 24 years old, from Tbilisi – interested in business, psychology and technology

When did you become interested in computers and technologies?

When I was born the computer and the related technological world were becoming more and more interesting every day and clearly, it has become one of the main entertainments for children of my generation. However, in addition to technology, I was also interested in the human mind, I wanted to clarify its mental depths, which led me to psychology.  However, later when I went to university, learned the basics of economics and business, and realized that I saw myself in a very different direction from these three, and with a life goal, I decided to combine them.

I can say with confidence that I have achieved my goal: today, I am the Marketing Director of the International Technology Retail Company – I found myself at the crossroads of business, psychology and technology.

My first computer device was a game console, the Sony PlayStation. Then I bought a clumsy desktop computer – next to which a cactus must be planted. Later, I discovered Apple’s legendary MacBook Air. At that time, the laptop was not really a new fruit to me, on the contrary, I was well versed in laptops, but Apple still surprised me – the experience of the MacBook and the completely different operating system built into it turned my definition of the laptop upside down.

Since then, I have not changed the computer anymore. Today, I do everything I need to do with a 16-inch MacBook Pro with Apple’s revolutionary M1 Pro type processor, from any place and at any time.

Elon Musk says that each of us is a cyborg. However, unlike the characters in cyborgs in the science fiction genre, we use computers as auxiliary devices that we carry by hand or place on a table in front of us. However, there are some differences in this regard as well – I strongly believe that cyborgs with Apple products are the most developed and flexible devices.

What makes the new MacBook Pro the best laptop?

The first thing a person feels when interacting with Apple products is the quality of these devices. MacBook line laptops are so different from other devices that they can be distinguished even in absolute darkness, just by touching.

In addition to the quality of the device, the screen image of the MacBook Pro is especially important. The fact is, that I must work with visual materials on a daily basis, and the MacBook Pro Liquid Retina display not only simplifies my work but also makes it an unprecedented pleasure.

However, the most important feature of the MacBook Pro is its power. I can confidently say that Apple’s new M1 Pro processor – is miraculous. The MacBook Pro is so powerful and fast that it will be also reflected in its owner: you can be sure that nothing will go wrong, the program will not crash, and you will complete all the tasks in a few minutes – it will fill you with self-confidence.

It is interesting that the flawless integration of products of Apple’s different lines is due to the unique software created by Apple itself.  I can confidently say that the main charm of Apple is in its ecosystem – the full potential of each product can be revealed only by combining it with other devices.

I would single out two functions of Apple products –  HandOff and Airdrop. The first allows me to use the text copied in one device instantly in another one, and the second allows me to exchange different types of files between devices.

Apple’s charm lies in its simplicity and minimalism which greatly simplifies the lives of consumers. All the programs and applications that you need to feel comfortable – are preinstalled. In today’s dynamic world, who has the time to install the operating system and search for applications?