Special Statement of Forbes Georgia

Special Statement of Forbes Georgia

On May 31, 2016, the wrongful dismissal of Giorgi Isakadze, manager and author of television programs “Business contact”, “Business morning” and “Business contact analytics” was publicly announced. The letter of dismissal was issued and signed by the General Director of ltd “Studio Maestro” Zurab Nakeuri.

Forbes Georgia cherishes the private property rights and thus, the autonomous nature of the employment policy of any private company, even when it is distinctly self-destructive. However, taking into consideration the political influences effecting Georgian media market, we believe that, any decision that would question the freedom of media should receive corresponding reaction.

Editorial office of the most influential international business edition in Georgia is doubtful that the decision made by “Studio Maestro” is the business decision, as the management of TV channel states; instead, it is affected by the political turbulence in local media which gets more horrifying with elections fast approaching.

Reasons for doubt are clear. The success of Giorgi Isakadze’s television projects is easily measurable and quantifiable. The rating of the TV projects and the very fact that 30 minute airtime turned into 4 hours of programming in prime time by Tv Company’s own choice prove that success.

It is noteworthy that success of Giorgi Isakadze’s television projects exceeds the limits of single TV Company. His shows triggered public interest about business sector, strengthened the culture of business management and supported development of key institutions of the country.

We, the editorial staff of business-analytical publication know all the difficulties there are to produce 4-hours of business oriented daily tv program in a country, that has just triggered first steps on free market economics.

Based on the fact that team of “Businesscontact”, “Business morning” and “Analytics of Businesscontact” managed by Giorgi Isakadze successfully dealt with very difficult task, we decided to offer him the position of Editor in Chief of Forbes Georgia. International team of Forbes is daily ensured that this decision was right.

Politically biased Georgian media market and the very processes taking place in “Maestro” show that the most important thing, the democratic development of the country is under the threat. No democracy can be achieved without the freedom of media.

Hereby, we declare that Forbes and each and every representative of free media in Georgia will always fight against the oppression of freedom of speech and media.