Nenskra HPP Project Launches its New Website

Nenskra HPP Project Launches its New Website

Nenskra Hydropower Plant project company, JSC Nenskra Hydro has launced a new website –

Alongside with the general information on the Project, 10 volumes of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Report is available on the website both in English and Georgian languages. In the future all the Project related monitoring reports will also be uploaded to the website.

Additionally, a special online form of the Project’s grievance mechanism can also be found on the website. The Project company has implemented the grievance mechanism in order to address grievances that arise from affected communities of the Project.

“While operating a project of this significance, working based on the principles of maximum transparency and having an open dialogue with all the stakeholders are among our top priorities. The new website is one of the tools required to accomplish that“, – JSC Nenskra Hydro Chief Operations Officer, Mr. Teimuraz Kopadze states.

JSC Nenskra Hydro is a special purpose vehicle established in Georgia in 2015 as a result of cooperation between South Korean state company K-Water and JSC Partnership Fund. The purpose of the company is to construct the Nenskra Hydropower Plant in Nenskra and Nakra rivers’ valleys in Mestia Municipality of Svaneti region. The power plant will generate 1.2 GWh of electricity, which will be fully consumed by the local market.