Blockchain Search engine added to the Public Registry’s web page

Blockchain Search engine added to the Public Registry’s web page

Blockchain search function was added to the official web page of the Public Registry. A customer can now check authenticity of a real property document against the Blockchain global network from the official web page of the National Agency of Public Registry. Electronic services of real property has a new window “Search in Blockchain”, by means of which it is possible to check genuineness of a document.

A customer should type the document’s hashcode into the search window, press the “Search in Blockchain” button and wait for the search results.

According to the Public Registry, authenticity of a document is evidenced by the identity of unique codes in Bitcoin Blockchain and on the Public Registry web page.

Apart from the Public Registry web page, genuineness of a real property document can also be checked on a special citizens’ web pages:,, and others.

Information on a real property document issued by the National Agency of Public Registry has been automatically sent to Blockchain system since 20th of February 2017. Blockchain is a decentralized database. Records sent to this system are kept in thousands of computers all over the world. Blockchain ensures safety, transparency and accessibility of any transaction. It is impossible to delete, modify, copy or illegally manipulate data, preserved in the system.

Georgia is one of the first countries, which uses blockchain’s technological achievement for real property registration.