Cargo Turnover Decreases in Georgia

Cargo Turnover Decreases in Georgia

The Cargo turnover in the Georgian freight corridor continues to decrease. Namely, during the 10 months of this year 33.2 million tons of cargos were transported, which is 0.2 million tons less than the same period last year. 

The volume of cargos handled in Georgian seaports and docking areas has also decreased amounting to 12.4 million tons compared to last year’s 13.5 million tons.  

The cargo shipment through the vehicle roads has increased reaching 24.8 million tons during the 10 months. However, the cargo shipment by rail has dropped to 8.3 million tons (compared to 8.8 million tons during the same period last year). The volume of cargo shipment by the civil aviation also decreased, amounting to 21.4 million tons (during the same period last year – 28.5 million tons). 

The volume of processed cargos decreased in all ports of Georgia: namely, compared to the previous year the volume of processed cargos fell by 0.5 million tons in Poti port amounting to 5.1 million tons, the volume of processed cargos in Batumi Sea Port decreased by 0.4 tons totaling 3.1 million tons, as for Supsa Port the volume decreased by 0.1 million tons totaling 3 million tons, and in Kulevi the volume fell by 0.3 million tons totaling 1.1 million tons.

However, the number of processed containers in Batumi and Poti ports has increased. 

The Cargo turnover in the Georgian freight corridor has been on the decline for a number of years. In 2015, it was 44.2 million tons, in 2016 this indicator became 42.3 million tons and in 2017 it came to 41.5 million tons.