Countries with the fastest growing prices

Countries with the fastest growing prices

Within the period from 2016 to 2017, the average inflation rate in Georgia was 5%. According to the data provided by TBC Research, during this period, the consumer price growth rate in CIS countries was 9.4%.

Registered inflation rate in Armenia, Romania, Czech Republic and Poland was lower than in Georgia. In EU, average inflation rate for a 10-year period had been 1.8%.

Average inflation rates for 2006-2017 are following:


EU – 1.8%

CIS – 9.4%

Poland – 1.9%

Czech Republic – 2.1%

Bulgaria – 3%

Hungary – 3.4%

Estonia – 3.5% 

Romania – 3.7%

Armenia – 4.2%

Georgia – 5%

Azerbaijan – 8%

Turkey – 8.5%

Kazakhstan – 8.8%

Russia – 8.8% 

Ukraine – 14.1% 

In the same period, depreciation of Georgian lari to US dollar made 3%, while lira, National currency of Georgia’s neighboring Turkey, depreciated by 8%. In 2006-2017, Ukrainian grivna depreciated by 7.2%, while depreciation of Hungarian forint and Polish zloty made 3.1% and 2.2% respectively.