Fuel prices in Georgia and in the world

Fuel prices in Georgia and in the world

The average world price for 1 liter of petrol is 1.17 USD. Petrol prices in different countries is calculated on the globalpetrolprices portal.

The lowest prices for petrol is in Venezuela – only 0.01 USD. According to the same portal, price in Georgia is lower than average and the country holds the 50th position with average petrol price – 0.98 USD per liter. The data cover the period between the 9th of April and 16th of July, 2018. Within this period, the price for Petrol in Georgia varied between 2.23 and 2.41 GEL. In the same period, the average world price for petrol was 3.88 GEL.

Data for Georgia was taken from both official state institutions and private companies.

Ten countries with the cheapest fuel are:

Venezuela – $0.01 per liter

Iran – $0.27 per liter

Sudan – $0.34 per liter

Kuwait – $0.35 per liter

Ecuador – $0.39 per liter

Nigeria – $0.42 per liter

Turkmenistan – $0.43 per liter

Egypt – $0.43 per liter

Kazakhstan – $0.52 per liter

Bahrein – $0.53 per liter

The highest price for fuel is in Iceland, which makes 2.13 USD per liter. In Hong Kong, fuel can be bought for 2.12 USD per liter, in Norway – for 2.03 USD. Among the top five countries with the most expensive fuel is also Greece with 1.95 USD and Barbados with 1.99 USD per liter.