Georgia rates 108th in the world with import volume

Georgia rates 108th in the world with import volume

The biggest importer in the world is the United States of America. Last year the country imported goods worth of 2 208 000 000 000 USD.

According to CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), Georgia rates 108th with the volume of import. Last year, volume of import in the country was 6 640 000 000 USD.

Top ten importer countries are:

United States of America – $2,208,000,000,000

China – $1,495,000,000,000

Germany – $1,022,000,000,000

United Kingdom – $588,400,000,000

Japan – $583,500,000,000

France – $536,700,000,000

Hong Kong – $520,100,000,000

Canada – $413,400,000,000

Netherlands – $402,900,000,000

Republic of Korea – $391,300,000,000

Number 23 on the list is Russia with 191 600 000 000 USD. Turkey is in 24th position with import volume of 191 000 000 000 USD, Azerbaijan is 98th with 9 004 000 000 USD and Armenia is 145th with 2 835 000 000 USD.

As the Georgian National Statistics Agency reports, in 2016, volume of import in Georgia decreased by 0,5% and amounted to 7 243 mln USD.

The largest import commodity groups are:

Oil (8,5% of total import – 619 mln USD);

Motor cars (6,5% of total import – 475 mln USD);

Petroleum gases (4,4% of total import – 318 mln USD);

Health products (3,8% of total import – 272 mln USD);

Copper ore (3,4% of total import – 207,9 mln USD)