How much does it cost to travel to Georgia?

How much does it cost to travel to Georgia?

Within the period between January and May 2017, number of international tourists visiting Georgia increased by 25% and made the total of 981,668. According to Georgian travel agencies, bringing tourists to the country, Georgia is mainly visited by tourists from Europe and Asia and majority of them are low-budget travelers. Travel agencies state that Georgia is known as a cheap tourist rout.

At the Association of Tour Operators, bringing tourists to Georgia, we were told that average cost of a seven-day trip to Georgia is 600-1,800 euros. Such a dispersion is caused by differences of hotel-room process. Ia Tabagari states that in Georgia, in the recent years, interest towards wine tours has increased as well as has increased the number of individual travelers, who do not go to travel agencies.

As we were informed by travel agencies, a seven-day trip to Georgia costs 600-700 US dollars. This amount doubles with air tickets included. Representatives of Colour Tour Georgia state that for a tourist average cost of one day in Georgia is about 70$. Due to seasonality, a trip to Adjara region is most expensive.

Last year, Tourist Department of Adjara conducted a survey, according to the results of which, average full cost of one tourist’s visit to Adjara makes 1,059 GEL. This amount includes costs of food, accommodation, entertainment and all the activities during the visit to Adjara, including international and local transport used by a tourist before arrival and in the region. 

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