The highest and lowest paid vacancies in Georgia

The highest and lowest paid vacancies in Georgia

In Tbilisi, in the last 6 months, 5674 vacancies have been announced. According to the survey conducted by the Social Service Agency and EU, among professions mainly low-skilled positions are announced, salaries for which vary between 350 and 500 GEL. In the organizations, participating to the survey, lowest salary of 50 GEL was registered in healthcare and food production sectors. In general, organizations state that minimum salary is 326 GEL, highest minimum remuneration – 700 GEL – is in construction sector. Maximum salary in organizations, surveyed in Tbilisi is in average 7074 GEL, of which the lowest limit for maximum salary (1333 GEL) is registered in oil product trade sector and the highest maximum salary (12229 GEL) – in healthcare sector.

As to Adjara, the highest-paid vacancy in Adjara is the position of house-painters working with façades, with monthly remuneration of  7000 GEL and is due to high risks related to this job. Civil construction engineers and builders are among the highest-paid jobs (average salary 3400 GEL), IT specialists/professionals (average salary 2250 GEL), sales and marketing managers (average salary 1355 GEL).

7 organizations of 16 surveyed in Mtskheta-Mtianeti region are planning to recruit 48 new employees within the next 6 months, 30 of which will be waiters and bartenders. The lowest-paid profession is a cleaning-person, paid in average 180 GEL. Service persons dealing with customers are also among the lowest-paid employees (300 GEL), as well as non-classified labor in trade and service sector (300 GEL), common labor (391.6 GEL), waiters (450 GEL). The survey revealed that the highest-paid vacancy in Mtskheta-Mtianeti region is a mechanic/installer of electric appliances, for which position employers offer 2000 GEL. It is a paradox that remuneration for this position is higher than for managers, whose average salary is 1000 GEL.

As far as Kakheti is concerned, the lowest salary in organizations, participating to the survey, is 100 GEL in healthcare and agriculture sectors. Minimum highest salary – 375 GEL – is registered in construction. Average minimum salary paid by the organizations is 262 GEL. Average maximum salary is 3191 GEL with the lowest maximum salary of 500 GEL in agriculture. Highest maximum salary (7000 GEL) is registered in healthcare.

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