World’s Best Universities

World’s Best Universities

Only one Georgian university made it on the list of 1250 best universities around the world.

A renewed list of world’s best universities was published by the U.S. News & World Report. Every year, the organization assesses universities in over 60 countries against 13 indicators. This year, 1250 universities made it to the list of world’s best universities.  

In order to create the list, the university’s academic and research activities are assessed as well as their reputation in the region and around the world.

The research authors take into consideration academic activities with regards to publications, scientific book releases, organizing conferences, citation index, international cooperation, the contribution of the university in the most cited works etc. The research also takes into account the opinions of the representatives of the academic circles about the academic activities and educational programmes of the universities they are familiar with.

Among the worlds’ best universities, the USA is in the lead with the highest number of universities on the list: 227 universities out of 1250 are American. In the second place is China with 130 universities, followed by the UK with 78 universities, Japan with 76, and Germany with 62 universities.

The top ten universities of the world are:

  • Harvard University (USA) – a score of 100 out of 100.
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) – received a score of 97.6 out of 100.
  • Stanford University (USA) –  received a score of 93.8  out of100
  • University of California–Berkeley (USA) – received a score of 90.8 out of 100
  • University of Oxford (UK) – was given a score of 87.6  out of 100
  • California Institute of Technology (USA) –  received a score of 85.9 out of 100
  • University of Cambridge (UK) – received a score of 85.8 out of 100
  • Columbia University (USA) – received 85.6 out of 100
  • Princeton University (USA) –  received 84.7 out of 100
  • University of Washington (USA) – received 84.6 out of 100

Top 3 universities in Europe are all British: Oxford; Cambridge, and Imperial College London.

In this year’s ranking, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University is 435th on the list with a score of 48.7. At this stage, TSU is the only Georgian university, which made it on the list of worlds’ best universities. The university’s scores on different indicators are as follows: The contribution of the university in the most cited publications is 19%, the amount is 802. With regards to organizing conferences, TSU is in 1161st place, in publishing scientific books TSU is in 915th place, and with publications in 1299th place. As for the global reputation, TSU is in 1109th place, whereas with the regional reputation it is in 229th place. Last year, TSU was in 359th place.