78.1 Million GEL for Business Trips - The Expenses of the Budget Organizations

78.1 Million GEL for Business Trips - The Expenses of the Budget Organizations

In the last five years, the budget expenses on the business trips has increased by 13.4 Million GEL and in 2018 reached 78.1 Million GEL. 

From the budget organizations the most amount of money was spent by the following institutions:

•           Parliament and  its organizations – 2.5 Million GEL 

•           President Administration – 1.7 Million GEL 

•           Government Administration – 2.7 Million GEL 

•           Ministry of Justice – 1 Million GEL 

•           Ministry of Foreign Affairs – 2.5 Million GEL

•           Ministry of Defense – 40.8 Million GEL

•           Ministry of Internal Affairs – 4.2 Million GEL 

•           Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Defense – 2 Million GEL

•           Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture – 2.9 Million GEL 

•           Ministry of Education and Science – 4.1 Million GEL

•           Ministry of Economy – 1.8 Million GEL