Georgia’s Freedom of Media ranks 60th in the world

Georgia’s Freedom of Media ranks 60th in the world

Every year “Reporters without Borders” publish Press Freedom Index. Compared to last year, Georgia ranked one step ahead with 60th place in terms of freedom of media among 179 countries.  Georgia’s rating score is 27.34, which is 1.64 points higher than that of previous year.

“Pluralistic, but not free,” – evaluates the RWB Georgian Media environment.

The report notes that the media is still polarized in Georgia, the reforms carried out in recent years have increased transparency and pluralism on media owners, but owner`s interference in editorial policy remains as a problem.

In addition, the report reads “the dispute on the ownership of the main opposition channel, Rustavi 2, has a big impact on the media environment.”

Freedom of media related reports boldly mention the disappearance of Azerbaijani journalist Afgan Mukhtarli from Georgia, followed by his detention in Azerbaijan. “The kidnapping of the Azeri journalist was shocking for Georgians who traditionally offered shelter to neighboring countries.”

The world’s most free press is in Norway, Finland and Sweden, the least free being in China and North Korea.

As for the countries of the region, Turkey ranked 157th, Armenia 61, Azerbaijan 166 and Russia 149.