Georgia’s Position In The World With Regard To Quality Of Education

Georgia’s Position In The World With Regard To Quality Of Education

Among 137 countries, Georgia holds 101st position with regard to the level of education. According to the information, provided by the World Economic Forum, with its rating, Georgia is between Ethiopia and Mexico. First place in the rating of education level is divided between Switzerland, Singapore and Finland. Out of Georgia’s neighboring countries, Azerbaijan holds 45th position in the rating, Russia is number 52, Armenia – 61 and Turkey – 99.

By the criterion of the education system quality, Georgia is also lagging behind holding 107th position on the list.

By the criterion of the quality of mathematics and scientific education, Georgia holds 103rd position among 137 countries of the world. By this criterion, Turkey is behind Georgia holding 104th position. First position in the world is held by Singapore. With regard to the quality of mathematics and scientific education, Ukraine is in 27th position, Armenia – 33rd, Russia – 51st and Azerbaijan – 66th