In 7 months, the wind power plant in Kartli generated 3 mln kWh more energy than forecasted

In 7 months, the wind power plant in Kartli generated 3 mln kWh more energy than forecasted

Appraisal of the wind power plant in Kartli has been completed and in nearest future it will be transferred to the auction. Appraisal was conducted by BDO Company.

At the Energy Development Fund, we were informed that the corresponding document has already been submitted to the government.

Tornike Kazarashvili, Chair of the Board of Directors of Wind Power Plant Kartli, Ltd. states that the interest towards the plant is very high both from Georgian and international companies. Before the decision of the government, Kazarashvili can not name the price of the wind power plant.

At the Energy Development Fund they hope that the plant will be transferred to the auction before the end of the month. Power plant will be sold with its current commitments, including the commitment of ESCO to purchase 100% of energy, generated by the plant, for $6.89 cents, during 10 years. Representatives of the Energy Development Fund consider that this commitment should be maintained further:

“We believe that this commitment should be maintained further, since the service life of wind power plant turbines is 20 years, energy generated within this period should remain and be used in Georgia. By doing so we want to reduce energy import”.

The wind power plant in Kartli was launched in test mode on 16th of November, 2016. Since then, the plant has generated almost 51 mln kWh, which is about 3 mln kWh more than had been forecasted. On 27th of January, 2017, the test mode was stopped and the power plant was registered as a qualified enterprise.