Land Sale brought GEL 20.9 million to state budget

Land Sale brought GEL 20.9 million to state budget

In four months (January-April), 2019 the income from the sale of land amounted to GEL 20 962 596 million.

Namely, GEL 1.6 million were mobilized in the state budget and GEL19.2 million in the budget of administrative-territorial units. Small decrease of GEL360 thousand was observed compared to the same period of 2018, but there is significant decrease of GEL10.7 million compared with same period of 2017.

Income from the sale of land by years:

2018 – GEL 92.6 million

2017 – GEL116.2 million

2016 – GEL 98.6 million

2015 – GEL52.6 million

2014 – GEL28.9 million

In the same period, agricultural property tax of GEL2 134 467 and GEL2 168 940 of non-agricultural property tax was paid to state budget.