This Georgian AI Development Company Operates Globally

This Georgian AI Development Company Operates Globally

Although some believe that artificial intelligence poses a threat, a future without it is hard to imagine. Today, major companies compete in developing AI, resulting in an ever-growing capability spectrum of what is possible. 

And it’s not only companies who compete with each other, countries do so as well. Georgia still has a long way to go, but unknown to many is that Georgian AI developers and companies have been working on AI products for companies outside of the country.

One of these companies is MaxinAI, an AI development company which has been developing products and providing consulting services for clients abroad for the past three years.

Created by Georgian developers, MaxinAI serves any kind of company, whether they are in banking, medical, or other fields desiring the support of artificial intelligence, for example, a chatbot app. Besides the development of AI products, MaxinAI also provides traditional development services.

“We mainly have clients in the US and in Europe. We don’t have a customer base in Georgia yet, but we’d like to develop it. We have really amazing developers working with us in both artificial intelligence and traditional software development,” a spokesperson told Forbes.

Currently, the company employs 40 people in-house, next to working with several freelance developers.

Created in 2017, MaxinAI has worked on numerous projects, with one of its largest projects for a Swiss-based company working on an Amazon e-commerce compliance checking system.

“Our developers created a model which identifies which ingredients products contain and how relevant the products’ compositions are with regard to the country’s regulations,” a spokesperson said.

In addition to creating AI products, MaxinAI has also developed The School of AI, which currently offers courses, including a six-month course for experienced developers and engineers. The school currently trains around 100 students. 

A company representative said that they hope to attract more talented employees with their courses. 

The company was originally created by Levan Tsinadze and Ioseb Khutsishvili, successful AI developers. Giorgi Jvaridze, who has extensive experience working in Europe working for Trip Advisor and Zalando, joined the company a while later.

MaxinAI believes that they will make a significant contribution to the development of, and the expertise in, artificial intelligence in Georgia.