154.8 Million Gel from the Sanctions - What are Georgian Citizens and Businesses Getting the Most Fines For

154.8 Million Gel from the Sanctions - What are Georgian Citizens and Businesses Getting the Most Fines For

In 2018, a total of 154.8 Million Gel were paid to the budget from the sanctions, fines and penalties, which is 27.4% (42.5 Million Gel) more than the last year’s indicator. The highest share is for the violation of justice which counts 115 Million Gel in total. The majority of the fines – 78.2 Million Gel comes to the state budget; the rest comes to the budget of territorial units. The sum of the fines which went to the budget, in comparison to 2017, has increased by the total of 23 Million Gel.

The principal volume of fines and sanctions is distributed as follows:

  • The violation of the law about the rival – 2.8 Million Gel

  • The violations within the fields of labor, healthcare and social security due to the administrative law violations – 2.6 Million Gel

  • The violation of the veterinarian-sanitarian rules in agriculture – 1.4 Million Gel  

  • The violation of road traffic safety – 84,1 Million Gel

  • For illegally crossing the border – 780 700 Gel

  • The violation of the timely payment of the issued loans – 3 Million Gel

  • The violations revealed within the architectural-constructive activities – 4.9 Million Gel

  • The violation of the permitted conditions within the gambling businesses – – 357 000 Gel

  • The violations of accounting and reporting within the audit field – 11 700 Gel

  • The violation of the cleaning legislations – 641 100 Gel

  • The violation of the legislation of public facilities and amenities – 133 400 Gel

  • For damaging the appearance of the self-governing units – 8770 Gel

  • Administrative violations related to the activities of the Public Registry Agency – 64 400 Gel

  • The violation of the personal data legislation – 78 200 Gel

  • Administrative violation within the environment and natural resources protection fields – 3 Million Gel