Covid Cases, Hospitalizations And Deaths All On The Rise For First Time Since July

Covid Cases, Hospitalizations And Deaths All On The Rise For First Time Since July

The latest U.S. coronavirus surge is continuing to worsen, with the daily average for new cases, hospitalizations and deaths now all on the increase, while restrictions aimed at slowing the spread are continuing to be lifted in most areas of the United States.

The 7-day average for new cases, hospitalizations and deaths in the U.S. have risen for three straight days, according to The COVID Tracking Project—the first time that’s happened since late July. Most states are reporting a spike in cases, led by Texas, where bars were recently allowed to reopen.

Hospitalizations are also on the rise, again topping 40,000 in the U.S. on Wednesday, the highest amount in two months.

The U.S. appears to be in the midst of its third coronavirus surge, with no signs of slowing down. Health experts fear that this surge could be the worst one yet, surpassing the summer and even the spring surge, due to a combination of cold weather, flu season and outbreaks at schools. Reopening efforts are also continuing to grow even broader around the United States. According to a tracker from USA Today, 37 states are “easing” restrictions, and five have essentially lifted restrictions altogether. Only three states—Utah, North Dakota and New Mexico—are tightening restrictions, according to USA Today.

Going against what the data and science are showing, President Donald Trump has repeatedly said the U.S. is “rounding the turn” on Covid-19, and has called Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease official, a “disaster.” Trump said he’s considered firing Fauci, who urges against rapid reopening efforts, but said he’s resisted doing so over concerns of negative press.
